The All-In-One Answer For Your Expanding Business

Management of clients and sites, branded client reports, billing, and managed WordPress hosting are all included.

growth-suite image
web hosting growth suite image

Rapidly and

predictably expand

Your business

A single dashboard for client and site management, reporting, billing, and reselling managed Website Hosting is provided by Growth Suite to replace messy spreadsheets and unnecessary expenses.

You'll have the data and confidence you need to earn monthly recurring revenue and scale your agency when it's at your fingertips and easy to digest.

Growth Dashboard icon

Growth Dashboard

Client Reports icon

Client Reports

Subscription & Billing icon

Subscription & Billing

Client Managementicon

Client Management

 Client Portalicon

Client Portal

Bulk Site Management icon

Bulk Site Management

 Service Creation icon

Service Creation

web hosting dashboard image
growth-suite management

Boost your

Client Relationship

Management Skills

As your business grows, keeping track of all of your active clients can be difficult. Growth Suite's client management tools can help! Taking on new clients is easy when you have our client portal, agency-branded client reports integrated with Google Analytics, CRM, and email communication.

Branded reports

Can help you demonstrate

your worth to clients

Eliminate the need to prepare and mail client statements by hand. In order to easily create and schedule reports for your clients with integrated Google Analytics, site performance updates, and any recent work on their website, Growth Suite is a must-have. Showing clients how valuable you have never been simpler!

growth-suite clients value
hosting payment

Make Sure

You're Getting Paid On Time

Make Sure You Can bill your Customers for Recurring or one-off service ( with or-without a site attached). Growth Suite Aupports your entire book of business and guides yoy though the process of successfully billing subscriptions.make use of discounts, invoice notes, and different currency charges to bill your customers all under your own brilliant brand name!

Managed WordPress hosting

For resale

And other services

Include Leaper Hosting's services, such as managed Website Hosting and managed plugin updates, in your monthly maintenance packages to earn recurring monthly revenue. Offer our services in addition to the ones you already provide, of course.

WordPress hosting

Simplify The Management of

your website

Analyzing and compiling relevant data about your websites can take a long time. With Growth Suite, you get a single location to examine the most critical information about your site, so you spend less time managing them and more time earning money!

Make decisions based on the

information you have.

Growth Suite provides you with intuitive information, such as which clients have recently paid (or haven't), and your total revenue. Start making smart judgments about your services and company strategy while setting up your agency for predictable, regular revenue!

Growth Suite ravinew
hosting platform

Construct using the wonderful

Leaper hosting platform

Get all of this, plus Leaper Hosting's managed Website platform's other great features, such as lightning-fast site speeds, ultra-secure infrastructure, collaborative workflows tools, and round-the-clock support.

Today, give Leaper Hosting a try.

In just a few minutes, you can launch your next WordPress site.

Free migrations | 24/7/365 support | 14‑day demo sites

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Working hour

Free migrations | 24/7/365 support | 14‑day demo sites


Leaper Hosting is your reliable partner for all your web hosting needs. With years of industry experience, we have a proven track record of providing top-tier hosting services to businesses and individuals alike.


  • SSL Certificates

  • Domain Registration

  • Dedicated Servers

  • VPS Hosting

All rights reserved 2024